We are availabe both by apointment and by walk-in. We encourage parents or guardians to call for an appointment to avoid waiting . To reach the Counseling Office, call (435) 257-2560 Monday through Friday between 7:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We encourage students to sign up to see a counselor before or after school, during lunch or during breaks. Students may come in on a walk-in basis if in a crisis or when referred by a school staff member. Disclosure Notice: We follow the counseling guidlines contained in the American School Counselor Association Code of Ethics. This means we will keep the information you share with us confidential unless you give us permission to share it, we must consult with other professionals to better help you, or unless we are required by law or school policy to disclose it. Examples of when we must disclose a student's information
About Our Counselors The professional school counselors at ACHIS are licensed by the Utah State Board of Education. The counseling and guidance program at ACHIS meets all accreditation standards required by the Utah State Office of Education.
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